Lodovico wine is crafted from the finest Cabernet Franc grapes harvested in the northern exposed Vigna Lodovico which lies between Bolgheri and Bibbona. This vineyard consists of 6 hectares and is part of the glorious Bellaria plot. The southern Bellaria plot is part of Ornellaia, which lies within the Bolgheri DOC, and the northern site is where we have our Lodovico vineyard. Vineyards in the Bellaria plot share the same microclimatic conditions and soil, they are differentiated by their exposure. The Bellaria terroir shows the geological origin of the Alta Maremma, with its rich alluvial and volcanic origins. It truly showcases the captivating history of this remarkable region.


The presence of the sea holds significant importance due to its ability to reflect sunlight, resulting in the transmission of a substantial quantity and quality of light. This phenomenon plays a vital role for the complex phenolic maturation process in the grapes. Furthermore, the sea's influence helps regulate the temperature during summers, preventing excessive heat during the day.


A combination of bright, warm days and cool nights creates an ideal environment for grape maturation. During the day, the grapes receive ample sunlight, promoting optimal development. Meanwhile, the cool nights contribute to maintaining good acidity levels and enhancing the development of the fruit's aroma. This harmonious condition imparts a sense of freshness and elegance to the resulting wine.


The soil of Vigna Lodovico boasts a rich and intricate geological heritage, comprised of diverse origins including alluvial deposits, volcanic elements, and Bolgheri conglomerate. The soil structure, with clayey elements, helps the roots to reach great depth and strenght. Also fossil fragments can be found. These soil attributes serve as tangible evidence of the remarkable geological history that has shaped the territory.